Developed as a Source engine mod, Fistful of Frags is a casual FPS shooter set in a dusty Western setting. It’s always high noon in Fistful of Frags. Note: Dota 2 and Team Fortress 2 are amazing free-to-play games and ones we highly recommend checking out, but were excluded from this particular list in order to focus on five somewhat lesser-known titles. We have the five best indie games that are free-to-play on Steam. But with so many free games available on the Steam marketplace, which ones are worth checking out? After all, there’s no risk involved when it comes to sampling a free game because you can uninstall it if the gameplay isn’t to your liking. While spending anywhere from $5 - $30 on an indie game won’t break the bank, trying out a free game is undeniably tempting.

Indie games are typically listed at an incredibly fair price point on the Steam marketplace, especially compared to their AAA counterparts that regularly sell upwards of $60.